Friday, April 2, 2010


Wow it has been a long time scene I have even thought of my blogger. Okay so last time I posted I was confused about a lot of things, but I now know who I am and what I am going to do for a living. I have changed a lot from the last time i posted any thing on this blog.
For starters I am a strong person who has an amazing family, awesome friends, and a a dog to play with. I don't need people to tell me what to do. I need to be able to experience things. I need to make mistakes so I know what my limits are in life. If we never take risks how do we know how far we need to push ourselves? I love that my parents are letting me make those choices now, and that they trust me so that I can do all the things that I need to do to make me a better stronger person in life. I am just so grateful to have such an understanding loving family like mine.
I have decided after years of wondering what in the world am I going to do in this big world that is filled with opportunities after opportunities. I am going to work for the F.B.I. I want to be the computer specialist there. You know the one that does all the hacking, looks up the people on the computer, and when on a case sits in a van and tells the agents what is happening and were to go to find the bad guys.
Well that is all for now. I will post more as plans change or just feel like I really need to post

Monday, February 16, 2009

Another Bad Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you remember the 3 dogs I told you about in my profile? Well I got home today and they where all good. We brought them in for the day. They where acting as they all ways.
Mom let out the big dogs Samson and Tama. I guess a few min. later I went out to feed all my goats. I was walking out to the barn and I saw Samson laying on the ground. So I ran inside screaming "MOM DAD SAMSON!" They came running out. He got hit by a car in the head. Mom and dad said that he won't make it. So dad did the only thing he could do. So they loaded him into the back of the truck. Took him to the pasture....I guess you know what happens next (the thing that you have to do when there is no chance of saving am animals).

Now we have to dogs and a very sad person!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Not Good!!!!

I came home Feb.2,2009, and my goat named June was fine. Also when my dad and I took a walk. Then my mom comes home and we go feed the 2 goats (June and Bryan). June didn't come to supper. So mom went to feed her horse. She noticed that June was laying down. She was all cut up and had gashes all over. Mom told me to get dad. So I did. We got her in the truck. We took her to the vet about two miles away from our house. The vet said that Bryan did it. Also that she should recover. Well we got home and washed her off. Then we put some hay down in the trailer. After about two hours later my dad and mom went to check on her. I was taking out my contacts when my mom said she had to call someone to tell them she wouldn't be late for work. Then my dad came over to tell me. She was pregnant. So she wasn't the only one that died.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Yeah Me

I'm so happy. I get to go see my best friend in February. My church people who help run it has to do something and my parents thought I would get really bored (which I would.)So my parents decided that it was time to go see her. Now I get to spend time with her and have fun while they sit bored.

Friday, January 9, 2009

I'm So Happy!!!!!!!!!

Okay so my Christmas was amazing, but the thing that made it go over the roof was that I got a puppy!!!!!

Her name is Emma. We renamed her three times before deciding on that. The first on was Carmel,the second on was Carmen,then we decided on Emma.

She had a sister but I forgot how to spell her name but she is the 1 laying down in the second picture.

Okay so here's the story. My mom was going to the take the trash into town. While she was at the dump she found them. She sent my dad a picture text message. So she brought them home. we gave them worm, flea, and polo stuff. Then went up to Houston.

Then on the way to a funeral 2 go to and Houston traffic is bad. Anyway we where going down and she JUMPED out of the truck. We stopped traffic. The good thing is that a tow truck was coming to see what was going on. he saw that my mom was running. So he stopped to help get her. Lucky she wasn't hurt. But she hurt her leg really bad,but not broken.

Friday, January 2, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! You can sing it's 2009.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I Got It AGAIN!!!!!!!!

I had to write a letter to the University of Austin. I found out that they need more pediatricians. So I decided to go to U.T.M.B. (University of Texas Medical Branch). I can't wait till I am in high school because when I am there is this camp that you can attend so you can train and make sure that is what you want to do with your life. I am hoping that when I'm 16 one of our friends(who is a doctor) will let me work as an intern and get the feel of the way things go. The only bad thing about becoming a doctor is 8 years of college, the long hours, and having to work on holidays.

The reason I want to become a doctor is that I am good with kids and would love to help some. It is a good feeling when you help someone. The feeling is so good.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I had a very good Thanksgiving. I got to spend it with my friend. We spent a few days inside. Then we rode. I got to ride Scarlet. My friend rode her horse Chubby. We rode a long time. Then the next day we went to a arena and rode for about 2 hours. I had to go the next day. Her mom took me to the meeting place.

Friday, November 21, 2008

My goat Bryan

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm Sad

My family gave the 31 year old mare(Scarlet) back to our friend. So now I don't have a horse. I think it might be for the better. I don't have enough time to ride. I have a lot of homework, have to get good grades. So it takes longer. I also have two goats to take care of. So now I have to deal with not having a horse any more.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I don't know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I said in one of my post that I was going to University of Texas in Austin but now I don't know. I now have to choose between Yale, Harvard, or University of Texas in Houston. If I go to Yield and Harvard I will be a long way from home. But if I go to Houston I will be to close. So if you have any suggestions leave a post.

Thank you

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Summer

Hi, I know that a lot of you are starting school or already started.I know most of you are aren't excited but I am. I have been off scene May 31. I start back August 25. I will be in 6th grade this year. I have been waiting for this ever scene July 30.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Got It!!!!!!!!!!!

I fingered out what I am going to be when I grow up. I am going to the University of Texas in Austin. In the medical branch for 8 years to be a doctor for kids pediatrician. I have to have a 3.6 grade average for school.(Which is a A B report card through high school

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My adventure

I was at my friends house and i have not ridden in forever and was riding Scarlet (my 31 year old mare). They where riding to. Scarlet said i wont to go home. She was freaking out. So my both friends horses where acting up to. She was trying to run off with me. finally she calmed down.

Monday, April 21, 2008

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New Horse

We changed Chulas named to Takoda

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hello and Goodbye

The horse we got that is named Bella is going back to her owner. She can't handle being away from her "Bella Boo". So we are getting a new horse that is a Quarter/Arabian horse. She is a light bay. Also 14.2 hands high.Her name is Kulla She seems like a good horse for us we are going to see her Friday April 18, 2008. I am so excited and can't wait to see her Friday. I will try to get a pic. of her soon.

Monday, April 7, 2008

New Horse

So we got a new horse. Her name is Bella. We traded Tonto for Bella on Saturday. She is a Tennessee Walker. She is so gorges. She is black with a star on her head and a strip on her lip. There will be a picture of her on my page.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Snow,Snow,and more Snow

One day I was laying in bed and my mom came in and said "It's snowing!" Surely there was snow on the ground. The only bad thing was we had to go to school. So all the snow had melted. the only time I got to play in it was that morning before school

Friday, March 7, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I Fell

One night I was riding at my riding intruders arena and I was wasn't riding a horse I ride most of the time. I was riding an Arabian horse named Bella. I was not use to her and when I asked her to trot i was nerves and pulling back on the rains. But she didn't stop she started to canter. So I started screaming for the riding intruder. When I did she speed up. I comed down she slowed down. Then I started screaming again. This time when she sped up I fell over the saddle horn. Before that I manged to get to the back of the arena. The ridging intruder was on her way. but my mom's horse (the horse I ride) wouldn't trot. Luckily I only got 2 black eyes, a sore back,and a goose head.

If you what to see pics.go to

Saturday, January 19, 2008

How are you?

Hi,I am horsegirl.
How are you?
Let me tell you about me.
To start out with I have 2 dogs. Samson & Tama.
Then I have a cat Cloud,
a bird named Thunderstorm (Storm for short),2 horses Named Scarlet and Tonto.
Well Scarlet isn't really ours we are borrowing her from a friend.
My dad has a blog as well called From the Field. My mom also has one named D2CRanch.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My herd

Toy horse Breyers that are real!

By Me &A Friend

Toy horse Breyers that are real!

Have you ever heard toy horse Breyers come alive? I have and it’s true.

One stormy night I was asleep in my bed and all of a sudden I heard my Breyers hooves pounding against the bottom of my wooden barn. I could hardly believe my ears!

Once again I went asleep a different night and in the morning something seemed unusual about the Breyers. I looked at Buster my favorite horse and he was in a different position. I thought I was dreaming but I was not. It was real!

I played with my Breyers Monday and the girth of the saddle was as tight as it could go but Tuesday I could not tighten it tighter than the second notch. I gave them real horse hay and usually it stays the same amount but one morning it was not. I filled Busters trough all the way with hay, but the next day it was very low compared to how it was the day I filled it up.

My Breyers freak me out sometimes, but I got used to it. That was my big adventure with something that seemed freaky, but was not.

The highlight of my summer 2006

The highlight of my summer

Have you ever been on a cruise? I have .Earlier this summer my family and I went on a cruise to Jamaica, Grand Caymen, and Cozumel. It was the highlight of my summer.

When we decided to go on the cruise we where excited to go. My family and I because of my mom’s collage graduation and my birthday.

When we got on the boat we ate and found our rooms. Then when got to Jamaica we petted the dolphins. I got my hair braided. Next we went to climb a waterfall. Then when we got to Grand Caymen. Went to the butter fly farm and after the butter fly farm I got money then we went to the breach. Then when we got to Cozumel we went shopping and went to the beach. While we where in Cozumel I got a stone horse and a shirt. Mom got a key chain and Dad got a shirt too. It was gray and mine is orange it has fish on it. When we got back on the boat the manager for the camp Carnival would not let me go with my cousin so I did not go very much .Then Mom, Dad, Mawmaw, Tawtaw, Ant Kaka, and Uncle Doyce went dancing. I asked Lin to let me in the teen disco. So Mom, Dad, Mawmaw, and Tawtaw stayed and made shapes with beads.

How was the rest of the cruise? It was grand. That is why the cruise is the highlight of my summer.